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Jolis Lutins - Maine Coon Zucht aus Peine |

=^..^=       MCATS       =^..^=
Maine Coon Cattery Jolis Lutins from Peine, Germany

searching for a new home:

All information provided here is self-reported by the breeder and has not been verified.

Cattery Name: Jolis Lutins
Breeder Name:Schieke Barbara
Phone:05171 590372
ZIP Town: 31226 Peine
registered with (Association):C4U (Cats 4 Us e.V.) TICA
Breeder since:2009
number of MC breeding cats: 5
number of neuters: 2
other pets: ein grosser Hund
Does the breeder test for the following genetic diseases?
HCM Ultrasound:yes (ja)
PKD Ultrasound:yes (ja)
HD Xray:yes (ja)
PL (Patella Luxation): no (nein)
HCM Gen (Meurs, A31P): yes (ja)
SMA Gentest: yes (ja)
Pk def. Gentest: yes (ja)
Are retired breeders tested: partly (teilweise)
Comments on testing:
Testresults from the following cats are published in the health database: Jolis Lutins Boom Boom Bang | Jolis Lutins Na Na Nanette | Jolis Lutins Uki Wooki | Jolis Lutins Wikki-Dum-Dum | Jolis Lutins Yuppie-Dee | Magic Lake Turbo Injection |
Testresults from neuters (maybe previous breeding cats): Amari Castle Gouverneur | Aqua-Cats Yoshiko | Asmodis Cat's Neela | Auerberglands Noble Cat's Merle | CoonielandEdens JuicyLucy | Frisian Land Dexter | Frisian Land Paula | Gloria von Vohburg | Harley King of Bohemia | Hayabusa King of Bohemia | Jepiks Hunter | Jepiks Scooter | Jolis Lutins Becky | Jolis Lutins Captain Jack | Jolis Lutins Dana | Jolis Lutins Deva | Jolis Lutins Donovan | Jolis Lutins Emerson | Jolis Lutins Estelle | Jolis Lutins Féerie | Jolis Lutins Feynyalá | Jolis Lutins Francesca | Jolis Lutins Gabana | Jolis Lutins Geneviève | Jolis Lutins Georges | Jolis Lutins Hamo | Jolis Lutins Isaanah | Jolis Lutins Ivanka | Jolis Lutins Ivo | Jolis Lutins Jacquomo | Jolis Lutins Jalina | Jolis Lutins Jeunesse | Jolis Lutins Jule | Jolis Lutins Kaarlo | Jolis Lutins Laylah | Jolis Lutins Lazar | Jolis Lutins Lester | Jolis Lutins Lilith | Jolis Lutins Manjana | Jolis Lutins Oh! Cherie Cherie | Jolis Lutins Qissy me Kate | Jolis Lutins Rainbow Bliss | Jolis Lutins Ruben | Jolis Lutins Tiki Tomba | Jolis Lutins Whitney | Jolis Lutins Yakima | Jolis Lutins Yoki | Jolis Lutins Zoé | Jolis Lutins Zsa Zsa | Mountain Spirits Georgina | Niagara Mara | Sir Henry vom Traumtal | Xenox of Chiarandy |
litters per year:2 bis 3
How are the kittens raised:in the whole house (im ganzen Wohnbereich)
How is the household:quiet (ruhig)
Are the kittens chiped:yes (ja)
Are the kittens neutered:yes (ja)
Does the breeder feed ... dry food:no (nein)
Does the breeder feed ... wet food:yes (ja)
Does the breeder feed ... meat (BARF):yes (ja)
How do the males live:in the whole household (im ganzen Wohnbereich)
How often / where does the breeder show:never (nie)
Additional Infos:Die Abgabe der Kitten erfolgt bevorzugt an Liebhaber dieser Rasse und nur an Züchter, die ebenfalls Gesundheitsvorsorge für ihre Zuchttiere betreiben.
last update:2024-03-14 16:51:01

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