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of deep Affection - Maine Coon Zucht aus Gelsenkirchen |

=^..^=       MCATS       =^..^=
Maine Coon Cattery of deep Affection from Gelsenkirchen, Germany

All information provided here is self-reported by the breeder and has not been verified.

Cattery Name: of deep Affection (breeding has ended)
Breeder Name:Ciabattoni, Miriam
Phone:0209 7799744
ZIP Town: 45886 Gelsenkirchen
registered with (Association):1. ITAVC (1. Internationaler Türkisch Angora & Van Club e.V.)
number of MC breeding cats: 6
number of neuters: 2
other pets:
Does the breeder test for the following genetic diseases?
HCM Ultrasound:yes (ja)
PKD Ultrasound:yes (ja)
HD Xray:no (nein)
PL (Patella Luxation): yes (ja)
HCM Gen (Meurs, A31P): yes (ja)
SMA Gentest: yes (ja)
Pk def. Gentest: yes (ja)
Are retired breeders tested: yes (ja)
Comments on testing:
Testresults from the following cats are published in the health database: Black Smoker's Fan Tas Tic | Caroline of deep Affection | Iron Man of deep Affection | Lexy of deep Affection | Leyra of deep Affection | Maxine of deep Affection | Midnightfire Wrangler | Niagara Montana | Peppermint Patty of deep Affection | Starbushway Blue Bunch | Washington the Foreigner | Winerau Quiana |
Testresults from neuters (maybe previous breeding cats): Amelia of deep Affection | Chelsea of deep Affection |
litters per year:1-3
How are the kittens raised:only the first weeks seperated (nur die ersten Wochen getrennt)
How is the household:quiet (ruhig)
Are the kittens chiped:yes (ja)
Are the kittens neutered:yes (ja)
Does the breeder feed ... dry food:no (nein)
Does the breeder feed ... wet food:yes (ja)
Does the breeder feed ... meat (BARF):yes (ja)
How do the males live:in the whole household (im ganzen Wohnbereich)
How often / where does the breeder show:other sometimes (andere gelegentlich)
Additional Infos:Meine Coonies und ich leben am Rande von Gelsenkirchen (Grenze Herne/Bochum)und die Gesundheit meiner Katzen steht bei mir an erster Stelle. Ich füttere sehr hochwertig (Fleisch und hochwertiges Nassfutter)und meine Katzen werden vor Zuchteinsatz auf Herz, Nieren und Patella geprüft sowie div. Gentests durchgeführt. Au�?erdem ist mir der Charakter meiner Zuchtkatzen sehr wichtig und nicht zu vergessen der Typ natürlich. Ich bevorzuge eine Mischung aus altem und neuem Typ.
last update:2022-08-09 10:04:21

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