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Yankee Cats - Maine Coon Zucht aus Schöppenstedt |

=^..^=       MCATS       =^..^=
Maine Coon Cattery Yankee Cats from Schöppenstedt, Germany

All information provided here is self-reported by the breeder and has not been verified.

Cattery Name: Yankee Cats
Breeder Name:Singethan, Britta
ZIP Town: 38170 Schöppenstedt
registered with (Association):KVL (Katzenverein Leverkusen e.V.)
Breeder since:1995
number of MC breeding cats: 6 Katzen / 2 Kater
number of neuters: 6
other pets:
Does the breeder test for the following genetic diseases?
HCM Ultrasound:yes (ja)
PKD Ultrasound:yes (ja)
HD Xray:yes (ja)
PL (Patella Luxation): yes (ja)
HCM Gen (Meurs, A31P): yes (ja)
SMA Gentest: yes (ja)
Pk def. Gentest: yes (ja)
Are retired breeders tested: yes (ja)
Comments on testing: HCM (und falls die Vorfahren nicht getestet sind auch PKD) wird vor dem ersten Wurf beim Kardiologen geschallt, und danach spätestens alle 2 Jahre bis ins hohe Alter, auch noch nach der Kastration. HD wird mit 1-2 Jahren geröngt. Ich züchte nur mit HCM-Gen (Meurs) negativen Katzen.
Testresults from the following cats are published in the health database: (Dayo) Rhaegar PP of Magic Arcadia | Caspian's Snowman | Olala PP of Magic Arcadia | Yankee Cats Ashly Aisling | Yankee Cats Fe'lici'tas PPurrfect | Yankee Cats Jadis the White Witch | Yankee Cats Nanuq the White Bear | Yankee Cats White Patty Pan PP | Yankee Cats Yukiko Purrfect Snow |
Testresults from neuters (maybe previous breeding cats): Apanatchee of Chamberlain | Arwen Edtolien Anorien | Belushies Breeze | Belushies Iris | Big Sinclairs Peggy March | Bogy Cat's Flower Fantasy | Bogy Cat's Sahara Harmony Queen | Coonplay Sampson Supreme | Falko vom Engelshügel | Floh of Forster's Home | Fragglerocks Katjes Frozen Yoghurt | Gladür's Roxette's Joy Ride | Mainewalk Laura | Nickidoll Ake | Percy vom Weidebusch | Pillowtalk Luna | Rosenrot of Forster's Home | Snickers Maximus of Forster's Home | Tojo Polaris George Harrison | Unicoon Micaje Tanka | Wild Harmony's Gänseblümchen | Yaheska Magic Mercury | Yankee Cats Angel of Joy | Yankee Cats Centenary Diamond | Yankee Cats Garibaldi | Yankee Cats Izzy Stevens | Yankee Cats Ja'red Jo'lion | Yankee Cats Jolene with ivory skin PP | Yankee Cats Lady Liberty | Yankee Cats Lakota Kiksuyapi | Yankee Cats Leo's bright shining star | Yankee Cats Liv Lizrael | Yankee Cats Lucky Lightning ICQ | Yankee Cats Masamune Katana | Yankee Cats Named B'Elanna | Yankee Cats Nizhoni Navajos beauty | Yankee Cats Oshonee | Yankee Cats Q's Joylani Alokea | Yankee Cats Quigley | Yankee Cats Velika Sanjarica | Yankee Cats Viva Las Vegas | Yankee Cats Xcalibear at Shade-a-lot | Yankee Cats Xilver Princess Overjoyd | Yankee Cats Yosie Yosemite | Zita of Forster's Home |
litters per year:3-4
How are the kittens raised:in the whole house (im ganzen Wohnbereich)
How is the household:quiet (ruhig)
Are the kittens chiped:yes (ja)
Are the kittens neutered:yes (ja)
Does the breeder feed ... dry food:yes (ja)
Does the breeder feed ... wet food:yes (ja)
Does the breeder feed ... meat (BARF):yes (ja)
How do the males live:in the whole household (im ganzen Wohnbereich)
How often / where does the breeder show:never (nie)
Additional Infos:Seit 1995 züchte ich die sanften Riesen, Gesundheit und Charakter stehen dabei an erster Stelle! Ich freue mich, dass ich nach vielen Jahren mein Ziel erreicht habe, Gesundheit und Charakter mit sehr hellem silber zu kombinieren :-)
last update:2022-10-25 11:05:06

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