Pedigree with Testresults for:

Big Bentley of Immad Hill
normal (5.02)
normal (2.03)

Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents Great Great Grandparents
Coonymoon Bigfoot
Coonymoon Zmokey
Albert Einstein vom Zechenhaus
Simsalabim's Chapawee
EdenPark Sarah Lee
LuckyHome Sammy II
White Castle Pina Colada
Camira vom Weidschen Schömberg
Aragon vom Heilmannsteich
Mac Gregor of Brandon Hills
Pandora vom Streunerhof
Nayla-Amy of Brandon Hills
Conner-Loui of Brandon Hills
Ice-Girl of Brandon Hills

=Heartscreening (certified), =Heartscreening (not certified), Kidneyscreening, Hip-Xray, Patella-Test, Genetic-Test (smaller font = Gene negativ through ancestors), the numbers in () show the testing age as 'Years.Month'.

Testresults are only shown with direct connection to the selected cat. Tested cats in later generations with missing tests from the generations between them are not shown.

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