
Action Cat's A Moonlight Lady
normal (6.06)
: normal (6.06)

Action Cat's A Goliath
normal (8.02)
: normal (8.02)
Napoleon of Silvrettacoons
normal (1.05)
: normal (0.00)
Action Cat's A Carmen
normal (6.03)
: normal (6.03)
Big Geronimo of El Dorado
normal (2.05)
: normal (2.05)
Winerau's Alone
Tamalika of Starbushway
Magic Silver Star vom Pittental
normal (2.03)
: normal (12.03)
Action Cat's A Aphrodite
normal (9.11)
: normal (9.11)
Big Geronimo of El Dorado
normal (2.05)
: normal (2.05)
Winerau's Alone
Tamalika of Starbushway
Magic Silver Star vom Pittental
normal (2.03)
: normal (12.03)
