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=^..^=   MCATS   =^..^=
Healthdatabase for all cat breeds - DNA-Tests

Different cat breeds have different genetic mutations. Some of them can be the cause of health problems if the cat has two copys of the gene (homozygot), other if the cat has one copy of the gene (heterozygot). Here we publish test results from all cat breeds and their breed specific mutations. We are happy about every new entrie!

Show all breeds or only entries from the breed: Maine Coon | Bengal | British Longhair | British Shorthair | German Longhair | Household Pet | Norwegian Forest Cat | Peterbald | Ragdoll | Savannah | Scottish Fold | Siam | Selkirk Rex

Show all genes or only the gene: Bloodgroup | GSD-IV | HCM A31P | HCM A74T | HCM R820W | PK Def. | PKD | PRA | SMA | XI Def. | PAX3

There are 569 Testresults entered.
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By click on the title the list can be sorted after each column.
Name of the Cat (click link to view details)BreedGeneResultLabentered
Love Explosion's Silver Zodiac NFOPK Def.normalUC Davis2014-01-06 13:33:47
Klan Elliott's Edgar Allan Poe NFOPK Def.normalUC Davis2013-12-26 19:22:12
Bijona av Skandikatt NFOPK Def.normalUC Davis2013-12-26 19:19:32
Cornelis von Lacman NFOPK Def.normalUC Davis2013-12-26 19:13:47
Roxanna av Skara Brae NFOPK Def.heterozygotUC Davis2013-12-26 19:04:40
Zoe av Londra NFOPK Def.normalUC Davis2013-12-26 19:00:23
Elvdal's Marina Mia Madonna NFOPK Def.normalUC Davis2013-12-26 18:47:03
Dynamite Franz Forest Myths NFOPK Def.normalUC Davis2013-12-26 18:43:15
Casiopea Montegancedo NFOGSD-IVnormalthrough ancestors2013-12-26 17:34:52
Centralcats Fiona NFOGSD-IVnormalLaboklin2013-12-26 17:33:14
Llangostura Artemisa NFOGSD-IVnormalLaboklin2013-12-26 17:31:14
Orbea Artemisa NFOGSD-IVnormalLaboklin2013-12-26 17:20:34
Euridice de la Cachouteba NFOGSD-IVnormalLaboklin2013-12-26 17:19:03
Fëanor Beruthiel Forest NFOGSD-IVnormalLaboklin2013-12-26 17:17:13
Sternenfänger Galatéa Glücksstern NFOPK Def.heterozygotUC Davis2013-12-12 13:01:36
Fridalas Mejram NFOPK Def.heterozygotUC Davis2013-12-12 13:00:24
Titran's Xylona NFOPK Def.normalthrough ancestors2013-12-12 10:52:33
Titran's Bella Blue NFOPK Def.normalthrough ancestors2013-12-12 10:49:00
Titran's Antigone NFOPK Def.normalthrough ancestors2013-12-12 10:34:25
Titran's Q-Blå Djevel NFOPK Def.normalthrough ancestors2013-12-12 10:32:33

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