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=^..^=   MCATS   =^..^=
Healthdatabase for all cat breeds - DNA-Tests

Different cat breeds have different genetic mutations. Some of them can be the cause of health problems if the cat has two copys of the gene (homozygot), other if the cat has one copy of the gene (heterozygot). Here we publish test results from all cat breeds and their breed specific mutations. We are happy about every new entrie!

Show all breeds or only entries from the breed: Maine Coon | Bengal | British Longhair | British Shorthair | German Longhair | Household Pet | Norwegian Forest Cat | Peterbald | Ragdoll | Savannah | Scottish Fold | Siam | Selkirk Rex

Show all genes or only the gene: Bloodgroup | GSD-IV | HCM A31P | HCM A74T | HCM R820W | PK Def. | PKD | PRA | SMA | XI Def. | PAX3

There are 4189 Testresults entered.
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By click on the title the list can be sorted after each column.
Name of the Cat (click link to view details)BreedGeneResultLabentered
MaineCats Indiana Jones MCOSMAnormalLaboklin2013-05-29 07:40:35
MaineCats Indiana Jones MCOPK Def.normalLaboklin2013-05-29 07:40:10
Yankee Cats Quigley MCOPK Def.normalUC Davis2013-05-27 12:13:46
Coonplay Sampson Supreme MCOPK Def.heterozygotUC Davis2013-05-27 12:12:58
Coonplay Sampson Supreme MCOSMAnormalUC Davis2013-05-27 12:05:50
Collein's Kater Merlin MCOPK Def.normalUC Davis2013-05-21 08:46:21
Honeypaws Dolce Vita MCOPK Def.normalUC Davis2013-05-21 08:43:49
MaineCats Jamaica Fire MCOSMAnormalUC Davis2013-05-09 09:25:38
MaineCats Jamaica Fire MCOPK Def.heterozygotUC Davis2013-05-09 09:24:52
Oberwalls Blue Ivy MCOPK Def.normalUC Davis2013-05-07 12:11:30
Wild Tulip's Djamila MCOSMAnormalLaboklin2013-04-05 08:04:12
Wild Tulip's Djamila MCOPK Def.normalLaboklin2013-04-05 08:03:49
Wild Tulip's Djamila MCOHCM A31PnormalLaboklin2013-04-05 08:03:01
Eryn Shadowbane of Noah's Ark MCOSMAnormalAnimal DNA2013-04-01 09:47:53
Eryn Shadowbane of Noah's Ark MCOPK Def.normalLaboklin2013-04-01 09:47:34
Negertal Alaska MCOSMAnormalBiofocus2013-04-01 09:45:38
Lionmaine Chippendale MCOSMAnormalAnimal DNA2013-04-01 09:43:10
Lionmaine Chippendale MCOHCM A31PnormalAnimal DNA2013-04-01 09:42:43
Lionmaine Chippendale MCOPK Def.normalLaboklin2013-04-01 09:42:11
Chenango Chikai MCOPK Def.normalLaboklin2013-04-01 09:37:51

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