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All information provided here is self-reported by the breeder and has not been verified.
Cattery Name: | Tiponis |
Breeder Name: | Bettina Schantz |
Homepage: | |
Email: | |
Phone: | |
ZIP Town: | 63594 Hasselroth |
Country: | Germany |
registered with (Association): | CFF (Cat Fanciers Federation) |
Breeder since: | 2006 |
number of MC breeding cats: | 6 |
number of neuters: | 4 |
other pets: | |
Does the breeder test for the following genetic diseases? | |
HCM Ultrasound: | yes (ja) |
PKD Ultrasound: | yes (ja) |
HD Xray: | yes (ja) |
PL (Patella Luxation): | yes (ja) |
HCM Gen (Meurs, A31P): | yes (ja) |
SMA Gentest: | yes (ja) |
Pk def. Gentest: | partly (teilweise) |
Are retired breeders tested: | partly (teilweise) |
Comments on testing: | mit einem Jahr, 3 Jahren, 5 Jahren und 6/7 Jahren |
Testresults from the following cats are published in the health database: Artemislynx Akona | Mighty Amilia of Coons Heaven | Queentorpsmc Verdani | Silver-Beach Francy | Tasia van de Kerselaar PP | Whitefield's Skylar | Yankee Girl of Chiarandy | Ylletrollets Nisse | Yves of Chiarandy | | |
litters per year: | ca. 2 |
How are the kittens raised: | in the whole house (im ganzen Wohnbereich) |
How is the household: | quiet (ruhig) |
Are the kittens chiped: | yes (ja) |
Are the kittens neutered: | partly (teilweise) |
Does the breeder feed ... dry food: | no (nein) |
Does the breeder feed ... wet food: | yes (ja) |
Does the breeder feed ... meat (BARF): | yes (ja) |
How do the males live: | in the whole household (im ganzen Wohnbereich) |
How often / where does the breeder show: | never (nie) |
Additional Infos: | Hobby Maine Coon Cattery. Wir züchten mit niedrigem Inzuchtwert (COI) und niedrigen Klonen. Mit unserem Neuanfang im Jahr 2020 werden wir am Pawpeds-Gesundheitsprogramm teilnehmen. Kittenkäufer werden sorgfältig ausgewählt und wir unterstützen die neuen Eltern auch nach dem Einzug des Kätzchens. Maine Coon hobby cattery. We breed with low inbreeding (COI) and low clones. With our new start in 2020, we will take part in the Pawpeds health program. Kitten buyers are carefully selected and we continue to support the new parents after the kitten has moved in. |
last update: | 2023-08-30 06:07:15 |
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