Fantasy Valley Maine Coon-Clan - Maine Coon Zucht aus Windeck/Sieg |

=^..^=       MCATS       =^..^=
Cattery Name: Fantasy Valley Maine Coon-Clan
:Hauslaib-Lehmann Christiane
:02292 - 7456
: 51570 Windeck/Sieg
:SDRV (Süddeutscher Rassekatzen-Verband e.V.)
: 8
: 3
: dogs, horses
:yes (ja)
:yes (ja)
:partly (teilweise)
PL (Patella Luxation): no (nein)
HCM Gen (Meurs, A31P): yes (ja)
SMA Gentest: no (nein)
Pk def. Gentest:
: yes (ja)
: e.g. time frame, age of testing

(z.B. HCM-Schallabstand, Testalter)
The Blue Samurai of Fantasy Valley |
:only the first weeks seperated (nur die ersten Wochen getrennt)
:quiet (ruhig)
:yes (ja)
:no (nein)
:no (nein)
:yes (ja)
:no (nein)
:in seperated area with outdoor run (in einem abgetrennten Bereich mit Freigehege)
:other sometimes (andere gelegentlich)
:We are a small cattery in NRW, located 50 km east of Bonn. Together with our animals we live in an old country house at river Sieg valley. Our cats have a 100 square meter outdoor area. Sometimes our kittens are searching for new homes.
:2020-08-13 17:54:02

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