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Chemicoons - Maine Coon Zucht aus Rockford IL |

=^..^=       MCATS       =^..^=
Maine Coon Cattery Chemicoons from Rockford IL, United States

All information provided here is self-reported by the breeder and has not been verified.

Cattery Name: Chemicoons
Breeder Name:Hansen Liz
ZIP Town: Rockford IL
Country:United States
registered with (Association):TICA (The International Cat Association)
number of MC breeding cats: 3
number of neuters: 2
other pets: One domestic shorthair
Does the breeder test for the following genetic diseases?
HCM Ultrasound:yes (ja)
PKD Ultrasound:no (nein)
HD Xray:yes (ja)
PL (Patella Luxation): no (nein)
HCM Gen (Meurs, A31P): yes (ja)
SMA Gentest: yes (ja)
Pk def. Gentest: yes (ja)
Are retired breeders tested: partly (teilweise)
Comments on testing: Every breeding cats are tested (HCM echo & DNA) PRIOR to their first breeding and are only bred with outside cats that have been tested for both. Most screened for HD as well.
All breeding cats are then screened annually for HCM via board-certified cardiologist.
All breeding cats are negative for the one known (and reported) HCM mutation (Meurs).
Testresults from the following cats are published in the health database: none
litters per year:1-2
How are the kittens raised:only the first weeks seperated (nur die ersten Wochen getrennt)
How is the household:quiet (ruhig)
Are the kittens chiped:yes (ja)
Are the kittens neutered:partly (teilweise)
Does the breeder feed ... dry food:yes (ja)
Does the breeder feed ... wet food:yes (ja)
Does the breeder feed ... meat (BARF):yes (ja)
How do the males live:in seperated area (in einem abgetrennten Bereich)
How often / where does the breeder show:TICA often (viel)
Additional Infos:Bred for health, temperament and type.
All cats raised under foot.
Kittens come vaccinated, microchipped, tested for FeLV/FIV, with a health and genetic health guarantee and health certificate.
last update:2020-02-25 12:12:51

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